速報APP / 遊戲 / Igowin Pro

Igowin Pro



檔案大小:25.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Igowin Pro(圖1)-速報App

Bring the ancient strategy game of Go into the 21st century and the palm of your hand with Igowin Pro! With the most powerful Go software available for the iPhone or iPod Touch, Igowin Pro will challenge you no matter what your level, and keep you at the top of your game, on small boards or full size.

Igowin Pro uses the same Go engine as The Many Faces of Go, the three time world computer Go champion. It draws on more than two and a half decades of experience, a massive knowledge base and the newest research, as well as modern Monte Carlo techniques to help you learn and grow as a player. This is, hands down, the strongest Go engine available for the iPhone or iPod Touch.

Igowin Pro supports play on 9x9, 13x13, or 19x19 boards. This flexible program lets you set your rank as you like. Game parameters can be set up automatically based on your playing level, or you can choose whatever opponent strength or handicap you want.

A built in “magnifying glass” helps you put your move exactly where you want it. Smart move technology snaps your stone into the correct position. The convenient "instant-undo" feature lets you reset a mis-tap without waiting for the computer to finish thinking.

Games can be saved, commented, and emailed as attachments for later study to help improve your play.

Igowin Pro(圖2)-速報App

Igowin Pro has the most comprehensive tutorial of any app of its kind. You can learn the game basics quickly and begin playing immediately. You can ask for a hint or an estimate of the current score anytime during a game. With no complex menus and just a few basic controls, the game is easy to navigate.

All AI levels are calibrated by actual play, on an online server. That means that the ranking Igowin gives you is very close to what your real-world ranking would be, rather than an arbitrary number that only applies within the app.

Igowin Pro uses the traditional Kyu ranking system to measure your performance. The engine automatically adjusts its level of play to match yours. By using the calibrated rankings within the Go engine, it can play a 9x9 even game, with no handicaps, against any player, from beginner all the way up to 3 Dan level. 19x19 even games automatically adjust from beginner to 3 Kyu.

Whether you're a rookie looking for a fun way to learn and play the game of Go, or a crafty veteran looking for a challenge, Igowin is the app you've been searching for. Take Igowin Pro wherever you go, and play it whenever you have a few minutes to burn. It's always ready for a quick game, or a long session.

Igowin Pro(圖3)-速報App

With Igowin Pro on your iPhone or iPod Touch, you're ready to start playing the 4000 year old game that takes a few minutes to learn, and a lifetime to master.

Igowin Pro(圖4)-速報App
